
In this audio game, you are Marco, a young man who goes to live with his grandfather in a small town after losing his sight at the age of 15. During his time there, he learns that several people went missing near the town's cave. Then, one day his own grandfather vanishes, and it's up to you to investigate and find what happened...

Along with Unity, this project also required extensive integration with FMOD, including the implementation of interfaces for game and audio designers to work easily.

(Currently available only in Brazilian Portuguese, without subtitles)

Breu promotional image

Recent Games

My most recent games, they should have tiny scopes and some refinement, but their main goal is to explore some concepts I want to try out.

Tic'n Toe

A simple Tic-Tac-Toe game with basic AI.

Florest Runner

Run through the florest to find your way back...

Lost or Found

You are a wizard looking for items inside a dark cave.

More coming soon...

Collaborative Projects

Here are some previous games I worked on with other people, mostly at game jams.
They didn't saw much work after their respective "release", meaning their gameplay is unrefined .

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